Category Archives: Fall

Harvesting and Preserving Herbs: Tips from Bru-Mar Gardens

As October weaves its mosaic of russet and gold across our gardens, the call to gather and treasure the fragrant gems that have graced our tables and comforted our souls throughout the balmy season becomes irresistible. To relish the charm of these herbal wonders during winter’s embrace, timely harvesting and apt preservation are paramount. Bru-Mar […]

Inviting Wildlife to Your Garden: A Guide by Bru-Mar Gardens to Welcoming Birds and Beneficial Insects

Gardens are more than just a collage of plants and blooms; they encapsulate the vibrant symphony of nature’s flora and fauna. When we create environments that allure birds and beneficial insects, we don’t just magnify our garden’s visual splendor, but we also elevate its ecological vibrancy. Here’s how Bru-Mar Gardens suggests you can make your […]

Your October Garden Guide

October unfurls with a dance of rustling leaves, cooling breezes, and the quintessential scents of autumn. As we embrace this seasonal shift, our gardens call out for dedicated attention in anticipation of the frosty days on the horizon. The passionate team at Bru-Mar Gardens is delighted to share a specially curated list of tasks and […]

Plant Combinations for a Fall Garden: Perennials and Grasses That Harmonize

Autumn, with its cascade of colors and cooler whispers, is a call to every garden enthusiast to re-envision their landscape. Embracing a blend of perennials and grasses can instill a sense of warmth, richness, and multi-dimensional beauty to your space during this transformative season. Dive into our curated combinations that promise to elevate your fall […]

Lawn Rejuvenation: Lime and Seed with Expert Guidance from Bru-Mar Gardens

As the seasons bring a burst of colors to the world, homeowners in Maryland have a golden opportunity to breathe new life into their lawns. Enter Bru-Mar Gardens, your trusted partner in nurturing a flourishing lawn. This comprehensive guide dives into the essential practices of liming and seeding, tailored to elevate your outdoor space. With […]